Six Years Later

I don't know how to write. Although part of my job descriptions requires me to write on a daily basis. That didn't happen.

It's either I really don't know how to write or I've lost touch on it. An optimist would choose the latter, whilst a pessimist would go for the former. And I think you know which side I am at. No? Keep on reading and you'll find your answer.

I stopped writing both blog and twitter a million years back because when I hit the words, I am always brought to the dark side. Not deliberately I must say. So often I get carried away in my own thoughts that I start to build up this transparent orb around me and fill it up with dark gas.

Why gas you ask? Because gas is something you can't see but feel. Inhale too much of it, it becomes fatal. And that's me and my feelings. And I would rather not go there. Depression is my own struggle. An islamist would choose Jihad, Self Jihad. 

Then why start again? Mainly because I need somewhere to discard my emotions but also because I need to practice my writing, for my career. Not to mention that I have people, well, friends who have been pushing me to write again. So here it is. My first post after YEARS. Obviously, I am no longer 23 (read the profile -->)

Got to go now. I have gym to go to. Yes, I have grown to be a real adventure enthusiast. No, I do not have a beach bod. I have flabby arms and saggy ass but I am fit ( my standard. Screw you.)
