F For Fatigue

A black pitch hole
And a maximum vacuum

A heart that is weak
Yearn to be stoned

A figure translucent
Bottled up soul

F is for Fatigue
Weary of life



What dya know. It speaks my heart! Hah!

A Little Life (pg 135)


I have become lost to the world
In which I otherwise wasted so much time
It means nothing to me
Whether the world believes me dead
I can hardly say anything to refute it
For truly, I am no longer a part of the world.


I am desperate. I would do anything to get my knee back to normal. 6 months have passed since the arthroscopy. I am recovering, Alhamdulillah. But it's not as fast I want it to be.
My workout list the past 5 days:
  • Sunday - Hiking at Bukit Saga
  • Monday - Rest due to migrain
  • Tuesday - Body Attack and Leg workout
  • Wednesday - Zumba
And today, Thursday, my right knee has been throbbing like HELL. Saddest part is I can't tell anyone about it because they would just make me stop all my routines. And..and... last Sunday was my first hike. Can't say that I'm not proud of myself. I made it to and fro safely without a scratch *tap on the shoulder*. Unfortunately, I made a mistake during bodyattack class. I confidently did burpees and hurt my knee since (it was already so sore from the hike). For a second, I thought I was Superwoman! LoL. 

Oh you knee, let me have my life back. 


Things that I wanna do and things that I need to do often conflicted. 

Or the things that I want and the things that I need. 

What I need is to be someone who is far from what I am presently. The person that I need to be lives a little far from worldly things. Like the clothes I currently don or the food places I usually go. A woman who is pious, a wife with a husband who would take the adventurous journey to Jannah, together. And kids. Yeah of course there would be kids. Two or three. 

But, I wanna be among my unmarried friends, have fun, travel the world with less responsibilities. No kids to hustle me down, no parents to worry about, no problems to care of. A carefree life. Where would that bring me though. Surely, God doesn't approve half of the things that I want. 

And if God doesn't condone it then my mission to Jannah would be .... non existent. Perished. Ka poof. 

Turning 30 scares me shitless. And I'm about 6 months away from there. I never cared much about how old I've aged except now. I guess I've always imagined that by 30 I'd be someone's legal partner, be successful, have my own business, have at least travelled quarter through the globe. I kid you not, I'm wayyyyy off the acceptable general life target.

Most of the time I don't mind where I am now. But other times, peer pressure memang no joke siot.

Like I said. Conflicted.